Hong Kong company formation & registry can benefit not only from the Hong Kong’s business environment but also various funding schemes and support from Hong Kong SAR Government and other industry support organizations to facilitate business growth and development. They include:
SME Loan Guarantee Scheme (SGS):
The SME Loan Guarantee Scheme (SGS) aims to help Hong Kong SMEs to secure loans from participating lending institutions. The amount of guarantee for a SME is 50% of the approved loan, subject to a maximum amount of HKD6 million. The guarantee can be used to secure loans for either business installations and equipment or working capital, or a combination of both. The guarantee period is up to a maximum of five years.
For details, please visit:
SME Development Fund:
The SME Development Fund (SDF) aims at providing financial support to projects carried out by non-profit-distributing organisations operating as support organisations, trade and industrial organisations, professional bodies or research institutes to enhance the competitiveness of Hong Kong’s SMEs in general or SMEs in specific sectors. The maximum amount of funding support for any approved project will be HKD2 million, or 90% of the total project expenditure (whichever is lower). The applicant organisation will have to contribute the remaining amount, which may be in cash, in kind or in the form of third-party sponsorship.
For details, please visit:
SME Export Marketing Fund (EMF)
The SME Export Marketing Fund aims at helping Hong Kong SMEs to expand their businesses through participation in export promotion activities. The maximum amount of grant for each successful application will be 50% of the total approved expenditures incurred by the applicant or HKD50,000, whichever is the less. The cumulative amount of grant that an SME may obtain from the EMF is HKD200,000.
For details, please visit:
Dedicated Fund on Branding, Upgrading and Domestic Sales (Organisation Support Programme) (also referred as “BUD Fund” ):
The BUD Fund provides funding support to individual Hong Kong SMEs in undertaking projects to develop brands, upgrade and restructure their business operations and promote sales in the Mainland market, so as to enhance their competitiveness and facilitate their business development in the Mainland market. The Government will cover a maximum of 50% of the total approved project cost and the enterprise has to contribute no less than 50% of the total project cost in cash. During the tenure of the BUD Fund, each enterprise may obtain funding for a maximum of three approved projects. The cumulative funding ceiling per enterprise under the BUD Fund is HKD500,000.
For details, please visit:
Innovation and Technology Support Programme:
Innovation and Technology Support Programme mainlys supports technological related R&D projects in Hong Kong. For collaborative projects, the industry co-applicant should contribute no less than 50% of the total project cost (or no less than 30% in the case of R&D Centre projects) within the project period. The IP rights generated may be owned by the industry co-applicant if it has contributed more than 50% of the total project cost within the project period. For platform projects, it would require industry sponsorship from at least two private sector companies to cover at least 10% of the total project cost within the project period. The companies should not be related to the lead applicant in terms of ownership or management. The sponsorship can either be in cash or in-kind or a combination of both. The intellectual property (IP) rights generated from the project will be owned by the lead applicant which can be a R&D Centre1 or a designated local public research institute, viz. local universities, Hong Kong Productivity Council, Vocational Training Council, Clothing Industry Training Authority and Hong Kong Institute of Biotechnology
For details, please visit:
Patent Application Grant:
Patent Application Grant encourages local companies and inventors to capitalise their intellectual work through patent registration. A grant of not more than HKD250,000 or 90% of the sum of the total direct cost of the patent application. It is non-transferrable and will be valid for 3 years from the date of approval of the application. If the grant is not be sufficient to cover the patent application expenses, the applicant has to bear the remaining balance.
For details, please visit:
New Technology Trainning Scheme (NTTS):
New Technology Trainning Scheme (NTTS) aims at assisting companies to have their staff trained in a new technology. The training grant can be up to 50% of the training cost.
For details, please visit:
Export Credit Insurance:
The Export Credit Insurance Corporation offers a wide range of insurance facilities to Hong Kong exporting companies who trade with overseas buyers on credit terms. The facilities cover two main types of non-payment risks arising from buyer risks and country risks.
For details, please visit:
For other details of Hong Kong company formation & web design, please refer to: