Introduction of Samoa
Samoa is an Island country at the South of the South Pacific Sea between Hawaii and New Zealand. Since independence in 1962, Samoa retains a parliamentary political system, modernized international communication network, and international airlines direct to Australia, New Zealand and nearby pacific islands. At present, Samoa has not signed any bilateral tax agreement with any other countries. Under International Company Laws (Edition in 1987), Samoa company requires to pay no business income or tax. No accounting statement is required to be submitted. Samoa is a country of tax free and is regarded as a tax heaven.
English and Samoan
Legal System
British Common Law
Samoa Company Name Requirement
The name of Samoa company can be chosen freely and accept ending styles of several countries such as British, American, French, and Malaysian style, etc. (e.g. Limited, Corporation, Incorporated, Sociètè Anonyme、Berhad, etc.). There are not many restrictions to the business scope. Company name can be same as Hong Kong Company’s, while it can also be added with Chinese name.
Registered Capital of Samoa Company
There’s no specified limit to the registered capital of Samoa Company. Registered capital can be blew up or reduced according to the actual needs of registrant, and no stamp tax is required. Hence, it is a pretty choice for those who need to register an offshore company with large registered capital. Usually, standard registered capital is USD1,000,000 which can be expressed in any currency.
Shareholder and Director of Samoa Company
Registering Samoa Company requires one or more director and shareholder. Director and shareholder can be a same person. Shareholder can be legal person or natural person. Natural person shall be adult (older than 18), or any nationality with passport or ID card. Shareholder, director, chairman and related share ratio shall be determined before Samoa company formation.
Registered Address and Legal Secretary of Samoa Company
Under government regulation, one legal secretary is required to set up Samoa company. Secretary can be natural person or legal person. Registered address must be in Samoa. If needed, we may arrange legal secretary and registered address for incorporation.
Business Scope of Samoa Company
Samoa Company is offshore company, to which the government set no restriction on offshore business of such company.
Time required for Samoa Company Formation
For a new Samoa Company registration, it requires approximately 15-24 working days. For a ready-made company, it requires approximately 4 working days.
Documentation for Samoa Company Registration
Company Incorporation certificate (C.I.), Memorandum & Articles of Association, registration documentations, company share certificates, chop & common seal, company statutory record and company kit, etc.
Open Bank Account for Samoa Company
It is able to open a bank account for Samoa Company in Hong Kong.
Annual License Renewal of Samoa Company
Samoa company pays no tax for offshore business but renewal fee should be paid annually to local government to ensure the legal status of the company in Oct of the subsequent year.
Account & Auditing of Samoa Company
For Samoa company, no company account, auditor’s report, and annual return are required to be submitted every year. Profits tax is not required for offshore business.
Formation Requirement for Samoa Company
For more details of our services of offshore company formation & registration: